If you're like me, your smartphone plays a huge part in your life. Not only does it help you stay connected to family and loved ones, but it's a great tool that allows you to stay connected to your financial accounts, email, and most importantly games. The average smartphone costs start at about $800 and the repair of most smartphones can range between $300-$400, which makes it a huge out-of-pocket expense when it breaks. Rather than risking a large expense if something goes wrong with your smartphone, you should look to see if cell phone insurance is right for you.
Why do I need phone insurance?
Usually, with most technology items, I recommend people pass up getting insurance. Why? well with most tech items, if you're going to have problems, they will occur within the first 6 months of purchasing a piece of technology. If you didn't know, most technology companies warranty tech devices for a year, including your smartphone. The challenge with smartphones is the variety of things that can go wrong with them such as cracked screens and water damage. I personally think in today's age, if you own a smar
It's my personal belief if you own a smartphone, you should have insurance. Consider the following things:
Are you on a monthly installment plan? If you are, can you afford to pay the full cost of a replacement while paying off your old phone?
Can you shell out $300 to $400 for the repair of your smartphone?
Do you rely on your phone for day-to-day tasks?
Does your phone suffer damage from accidental drops and other mishaps?
Do you have children who have smartphones on your plans?
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, you probably need to purchase phone insurance.
What does phone insurance typically cover?
If your phone has a defect during your first year of purchase, it's usually covered by the manufacture. Anything else that occurs with your smartphone, isn't covered. Here's what your typical insurance plans cover:
Loss and theft
Broken phone screen and other accidental damages
Mechanical failures and defects after manufacturer’s warranty end
Water damage from spills or submersion.
When you have a broken smartphone, it can be stressful and frustrating. Without insurance, you have to find a place that can quickly repair your phone. You also have the concern of wondering if the repair company will use quality parts to repair your device. If you have insurance, you have peace of mind knowing that you can quickly get your device fixed. In many instances, you’ll have your phone back up and running the same day or the next day. Insurance varies from company to company, so make sure understand what is covered before signing up. Also, keep in mind no phone insurance plan is going to cover the data and apps that are stored on your smartphone, so always make sure your smartphone has automatic backups running to ensure you get your phone and your data intact.
If you decide to get insurance, most smartphone plans require a monthly premium plus a deductible when you file a claim. Sometimes your premium can be tied into your monthly payment for your phone. If you're able to do this, I would recommend it.
How phone insurance can save you time
When you consider the price of smartphones, it makes sense to get insurance that gives you comprehensive coverage for your device. There is a little upfront cost for phone insurance, but in the end, you'll end up saving money and you will have peace of mind.
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